WebDev Gain practical tips to enhance and elevate your skills in the ever-evolving field of web development.
Managing multiple Django projects on one VPS with Nginx and Gunicorn Learn how to efficiently deploy multiple Django projects on a single VPS using Nginx and Gunicorn. This step-by-step guide walks you through setting up virtual environments, configuring Gunicorn and Nginx. WebDev October 21, 2024
Top 5 website landing page builders in 2024 Looking to create landing pages that turn visitors into customers? Explore these leading landing page builders. WebDev May 13, 2024
How to resolve typical robots.txt issues? Learn effective solutions for common robots.txt problems to optimize website indexing and enhance search engine visibility. WebDev March 17, 2024
Port 80 vs 443: Key Players in Secure Data Transmission These ports ensure smooth and safe data transmission, essential for online communication. WebDev March 16, 2024
Common scenarios for using redirects in an Nginx configuration file Proper implementation of redirects in the Nginx configuration file can significantly impact website usability WebDev March 7, 2024
Foundation vs Bootstrap: What is the difference? Foundation and Bootstrap are two popular front-end frameworks used for web development WebDev March 4, 2024
What is the best time to send push notifications? Vital for delivering real-time updates and alerts, push notifications significantly contribute to an enhanced user experience. WebDev February 29, 2024