What is the best time to send push notifications?

WebDev February 29, 2024
On this page
  1. Types of push notifications
  2. Recommendations for Sending Effective Push Notifications
  3. Relevant statistics on push notifications for users

Push notifications are messages that pop up on a mobile device or computer, originating from an app or website. They serve a multitude of purposes, including alerts, promotions, reminders, and more. Vital for delivering real-time updates and alerts, push notifications significantly contribute to an enhanced user experience. Moreover, they play a pivotal role in increasing user engagement, retention, and even serve security purposes.

Types of push notifications

Exploring the diverse types of push notifications provides insights into their distinct purposes:

  • Standard Push Notifications: These are fundamental notifications used for general purposes like updates, news, or alerts. Typically featuring a message, they may include a call to action.
  • Rich Push Notifications: Enhanced with media such as images, videos, or sound, rich push notifications are more engaging. They find application in marketing campaigns, feature highlights, or providing a more immersive user experience.
  • Interactive Push Notifications: Users can interact directly from these notifications without opening the app. Actions may include replying to a message, liking a post, or snoozing an alarm.
  • Geotargeted Push Notifications: Triggered based on a user entering or leaving a specific geographic location, these are beneficial for retail apps offering special deals when a user is near a store or for travel apps providing location-specific information.
  • Segmented Notifications: Targeted to specific segments of the user base, these notifications consider factors like user behavior, preferences, or demographics. This segmentation ensures users receive content that is relevant and personalized to their needs.

Recommendations for Sending Effective Push Notifications

To ensure optimal user retention, consider the following best practices:

  • Incorporate images, videos, or sounds sensibly to enrich notifications without overwhelming users.
  • Utilize analytics to monitor notification performance, providing valuable insights for optimizing strategy and improving overall engagement.
  • Seek explicit user consent for notifications and provide clear options for managing preferences.
  • Reserve push notifications for crucial or urgent messages to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Encourage user engagement with a clear and compelling CTA within notifications.
  • Tailor notifications based on user behavior, preferences, and demographics.
  • Notifications should always offer something valuable to the user, whether informative, entertaining, or promotional.
  • Send notifications at times when users are most likely to be receptive, considering time zones and user routines to avoid disruptive hours.
  • Regularly test different versions of notifications to determine the most effective content, timing, and frequency.
  • Strike a balance to keep users informed without overwhelming them, as excessive notifications can lead to annoyance and app uninstalls.
  • Ensure users can easily opt out of receiving notifications, respecting their preferences and enhancing overall satisfaction.
  • Ensure messages are straightforward, easy to understand, and convey the core message quickly.
  • Tailor your approach to align with the guidelines and best practices of different platforms, including iOS, Android, web, etc.

Relevant statistics on push notifications for users

Helplama's research has revealed crucial insights into push notification frequency, indicating that sending 2-5 notifications per week results in a 43% rate of users disabling push notifications. Conversely, sending 6-10 notifications per week leads to a 30% drop-off in app usage.

If users receive just one weekly push notification, a staggering 92% will continue using the app without discontinuing their usage.

In terms of the diversity observed among various age groups, a significant difference emerged between younger and older users.

For app users aged 18-44, 68% will either maintain or increase their app usage, with only 32% decreasing their usage. On the other hand, among app users aged 45 and above, 54% will either maintain or increase their app usage, while 46% will decrease their usage.